Kyrgyz FM meets with heads of Arab charitable foundations

BISHKEK: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev met on Monday with heads of Arab charitable foundations and organizations operating in Kyrgyzstan.
The purpose of the meeting was to exchange views on further cooperation, the press service of the Kyrgyz MFA said The meeting was attended by representatives of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, Qatar Charity, As-Sanabil, Human Epil International, As-Salaam, Smart Generation, As-Safa, Ihsan Hairia and Isar, as well as First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Development of Kyrgyzstan Aliza Soltonbekova.
During the meeting, Kazakbaev expressed gratitude for the many years of activity of the foundations to improve the situation of the most vulnerable segments of the population and the implementation of projects aimed at strengthening the social infrastructure of the country.
At the same time, special appreciation was expressed for the emergency assistance of the foundations in the fight against COVID-19.
During the meeting, an exchange of views on improving the effectiveness of charitable foundations and opportunities to provide targeted assistance to low-income citizens in order to achieve maximum effect took place.
In turn, representatives of the charitable foundations expressed gratitude for the organization of the first meeting and provided information on the results of their many years of activity, goals and objectives for the future.
Along with that, both problematic issues and proposals of the heads of foundations on interaction with state and municipal bodies were voiced.
As proposals, the participants of the meeting unanimously agreed on the need to create a coordinating council with the participation of representatives of foundations and relevant agencies.
The tasks of this mechanism will be focused both on joint consideration of the real needs of applicants, and procedures to facilitate the activities of the funds, the effectiveness of assistance provided, etc. Minister Kazakbaev expressed readiness to provide necessary assistance to Arab foundations in carrying out their activities in the republic.
At the end of the meeting, agreements were reached on holding similar meetings with close coordination of further work with the relevant competent agencies. – Agencies