Sinopharm sends 50m doses overseas

BEIJING: China’s Sinopharm has sent 50 million vaccine doses for COVID-19 overseas so far and analysts predicted that China will become the country that sends the most vaccine doses to other countries, with many of them being distributed to developing nations.
The Global Times has learned from Sinopharm that the 50 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines it has sent overseas included donations and purchases.
Sinovac, another vaccine producer in China, and Sinopharm have become China’s main companies that have sent vaccines overseas.
Yin Weidong, CEO of Chinese vaccine producer Sinovac Biotech, said on April 20 at a seminar during the 2021 Boao Forum for Asia that Sinovac has produced 260 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines, of which 60 percent have been provided to other countries. At least 160 million doses have been administered, proving the safety of the vaccine.
Analysts predicted that China may become the country that sends the most vaccine doses overseas, with most of them distributed to developing countries, a concrete action fulfilling its promise of making vaccines “public goods.”
Following pressure from the international community, the US announced it will share 60 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccines with other countries, but no details or actions have been unveiled yet.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item