Commission to investigate Armenia’s war crimes

BAKU: A joint commission between Azerbaijan and Turkey has been established to investigate the war crimes of Armenia in Karabakh, former Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan, Hulusi Kilic told media on Friday.
According to Kilic, the commission includes representatives from more than 30 countries, and the investigation will begin in the coming days.
“The commission was created at the suggestion of the Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, Firdovsi Aliyev, and the initiative of the head of the Association of Writers of the Turkic World, Salih Kurt, and the General Director of the Union of Scientists of Islamic States, Professor Bayram Altan,” he said.
“The commission will investigate the military crimes committed by Armenia against the Azerbaijani people during the Second Karabakh War (from late Sept. through early Nov.2020),” the diplomat noted. “It’s known that during the war, the Armenian Armed Forces had made missile attacks on Ganja and Barda cities with prohibited weapons, as a result of which civilians were killed. The commission’s work is aimed at showing the aggressive policy of Armenia to the international community.” – Agencies