Working hard is key reason behind China’s success

BEIJING: The Chinese are known as hardworking and inventive people. Just as work and creative activities were responsible for the glorious achievements of the country’s past, they have also been responsible for everything it has achieved today.
Since its reform and opening-up in the late 1970s, China has lifted more than 770 million people out of poverty. It is now the second-largest economy in the world. The Chinese working people have risen to the challenges, working hard to overcome adverse circumstances such as the COVID-19 epidemic.
Realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation relies on the diligent work of people from all walks of life, the working people should take the lead and have complete confidence in this great cause.
As the country embarks on a new journey to build a modern socialist China, there will be no fewer risks and challenges than before. Therefore, completing the arduous development goals and tasks along the new journey requires a hardworking spirit.
China’s achievements were earned by its own hands as well as win-win cooperation with other countries. It is not from plundering resources of others or wars of aggression. China will never pursue hegemony or seek expansion. No matter how the global landscape changes, China always follows the independent foreign policy of peace and remains committed to peace, development, cooperation, and a win-win spirit.
The Communist Party of China, as the ruling party, will carry forward the spirit of serving the people as willing steers, blazing new trails in development as pioneering bulls, and engaging in an arduous struggle as hardworking oxen. – Agencies