Chinese FM slams Copenhagen ‘Democracy Summit’ as political farce

BEIJING: The so-called “democracy conference” held in Copenhagen, hosted by an organization known for spreading rumors and lies about China, is “a downright political farce” filled with ideological prejudices, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said on Tuesday.
The “Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2021,” which took place from Monday to Tuesday in hybrid format, also invited Taiwan’s regional leader Tsai Ing-wen and Hong Kong separatist Nathan Law, a fugitive suspect. Chinese experts said that the self-dramatizing event is like a platform for “the alliance of losers” to beg for more funding from their Western sponsors.
At the conference, Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod denounced as “deplorable” recent sanctions imposed by China against the EU, reported Reuters on Monday. Responding to such accusations, Hua said at Tuesday’s routine press briefing that China had only done the right thing, calling it a necessary and justifiable response to the European Union’s unilateral sanctions, which were based on lies that severely undermined China’s sovereignty and interests.
Hua stressed that Taiwan and Hong Kong affairs are China’s internal affairs that no other country or individual has a right to interfere in, and urged such persons or government bodies to respect China instead of sending the wrong signals to secessionists.
“Since the summit is held in the name of democracy, I want to add a few things,” noted Hua. “Democracy is a common value pursued by all mankind, but there are various ways to realize it.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item