Senior Journalists, experts hail Pakistan-China brotherly relations

-FM 98 hosts Webinar in connection with 70th anniversary of Pak-China ties
-Ex Defense Minister Lt. Gen. (retd) Naeem participates in the event

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Pak-China diplomatic relations, FM-98, an important platform of China Media Group hosted a special Webinar, which included former Defense Minister Lt. Gen. (retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi and other experts, senior journalists and personalities from various sectors.
Speaking on the occasion, former Defense Minister and renowned defence analyst Lt. Gen. (retd) Naeem Khalid Lodhi said that during the last 70 years, bilateral relations between Pakistan and China have strengthened with the passage of time and no ambiguity have ever been found between the two countries. He said that the soldiers of Pakistan Army and the People’s Liberation Army of China worked tirelessly for the construction of Karakoram Highway.
He said that China is fully supporting Pakistan in the military field and the JF-17 Thunder fighter jets is a prime example of friendship between the two countries, while China is also preparing warships and other military equipment for Pakistan. CEO, Board of Investment KPK, Hassan Dawood Butt, while expressing his views during the webinar, said that the bilateral relations between Pakistan and China are very unique, which are based on win-win cooperation and such element reduces the chances of failure.
He said that regardless of the global situation, bilateral relations between the two countries have been very strong and cordial while both the countries want to strengthen each other.
Hassan Dawood Butt said that construction work under CPEC on long-term and medium-term projects across Pakistan is in full swing, while the two countries have benefited greatly from each other’s experiences under CPEC.
Commenting on China’s space technology, Head of Global Navigation Satellite System Program at the Institute of Space Technology, Dr.Najam Abbas Naqvi, said that in addition to the missions sent by China to Mars and the Moon, the establishment of the Chinese Space Station Fully reflects the progress in this sector.
He said that there is scope for further enhancing in strong bilateral cooperation between China and Pakistan in the fields of education and science and technology. Dr.Najam Abbas Naqvi said that Pakistan and China are cooperating in the space technology sector, under which Pakistan will soon reach the moon with the help of China.
Speaking on the occasion, Former Vice Chancellor of Agricultural UniversityFaisalabad, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, said that bilateral relations between China and Pakistan are based on the principle of peaceful coexistence and have become stronger over the last 70 years. He said that bilateral cooperation in field of agriculture and biotechnology is going on between China and Pakistan. Dr Muhammad Ashraf said that the share of agriculture in China’s GDP is 7.7 percent, while that of Pakistan is 18 percent.

He further said that memoranda of understanding have been signed between Pakistan and China in the field of biotechnology, following which progress has been made in the agricultural sector of Pakistan.
Addressing to the webinar, Senior Analyst for International Affairs Dr.Shafqat Munir, said that Pakistan and China have adopted basic principles over the last seventy years, under which the friendship between the two countries started with bilateral relations and the partnership continues. He said that the friendship between the two countries was based on the principle of confidence building and peaceful coexistence. Dr.ShafqatMunir said that Pakistan and China have different systems in place, however, the two countries have excellent bilateral relations, while China and Pakistan have similar views on global and regional issues.
On this occasion, Editor-in-chief of Ittehad daily, TahirFarooqsaid that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s vision of One Belt One Road Initiative is of utmost importance, which would benefit not only China but also other countries in the region. He termed the construction of Rashakai Economic Zone under CPEC as very important and asignificant milestone in Pakistan’s economic development.
Speaking in the webinar, the first female General Secretary of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Fauzia Shahid, said that bilateral relations between Pakistan and China are based on trust building while today there are hardly any two countries in the world between which have bilateral relationship in all areas during the last 70 years.
She said that the Pakistan and China have similar views on global issues. Referring to the Afghan conflict, Fauzia Shahid said that China has shown great responsibility in this matter and has taken the path of moving forward in a friendly atmosphere.
On the occasion, Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Mail Makhdoom Babar said that the friendship between China and Pakistan is everlasting and people of the two countries have a strong relationship. He said that over the last 70 years, bilateral relations between Pakistan and China have been further strengthened, especially after launching of CPEC project.
Mr. Babar said that today the Chinese people are giving priority to learning Urdu so that the friendship between two countries can be further strengthened. He said that the Chinese media has become active today, from where those who speak against China are given a full answer.
Addressing the webinar, senior journalist of “The News” Lahore, Mian Saif-ur-Rehman, said that there is an everlasting friendship between Pakistan and China. He said that he has made several visits to China during which he found China a different country each time, which is a proof that China is constantly developing.
Mian Saif-ur-Rehman said that he had various discussions on different topics with the Chinese media and they consider Pakistanis as their brother. Saif-ur-Rehman said that China is further developing with Chinese characteristics, while the country is ready to provide all kinds of technology to Pakistan. He said that FM-98 played an important role in further strengthening the friendship between Pakistan and China.
Speaking on the occasion, Editor-in-Chief of the weekly Technology Times, Syed Paras Ali, said that scientific cooperation between China and Pakistan was established in 1976. He said that over the last 45 years, Pakistan and China have been cooperating on at least 500 science and technology projects, most of which have been completed.
He said that China has provided assistance to Pakistan in the field of science and technology for development in almost all other fields including defence. Syed Paras Ali said that China is providing about 7,000 scholarship programs to Pakistani students. He further said that at present a total of about 28,000 Pakistani students are studying in different fields of science and technology in China.
Group Editorof Al-Akhbar daily and Herald daily, Riaz Ahmed, while expressing his views said that the remarkable progress made by China during the last 70 years is an example to the world and in this regard the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping played a key role. He said that the development of Chinese media during this period is an example for us, while the exchange of media representatives between the two countries will help us understand each other.
Famous Squash player and Presidential Award winner FarhanMehboobsaid that Chinese nation is hospitable. He said that Pakistan and China have very good relations in terms of Squash and Pakistani players going to China to participate in sports competitions are always welcome. He said that Pakistan has also provided training to the Chinese National Squash team. Farhan Mehboob said that Pakistan has also given trainings to Chinese Hockey players.
Famous musician and singer Zeek Afridi while participating in the webinar said that there is a need for more bilateral cooperation between China and Pakistan in the field of music. He said that maximum cooperation should be extended between Pakistan and China in the field of music, so that people-to-people contacts would be further strengthened.