Practical actions in dire need to cease Israel-Palestine bloodshed

BEIJING: Washington has, once again, exposed its consistent hypocrisy and untrustworthiness over the long-standing Israel-Palestine tensions that broke out into the worst violent conflict between the two sides since 2014.
While President Joe Biden on Monday voiced support for a ceasefire in the acute clashes, his administration has just reportedly approved a potential sale of 735 million U.S. dollars in weapons to Israel.
This time, under the backdrop of the spiraling bloodshed in the Gaza strip, the U.S. duplicity and cruelty only reminded people how incorrect and inequitable the superpower’s Middle East policy has been over decades. The incessant scourge suffered by local civilians, as a manifestation of the U.S. reckless political calculations, now poses an urgent call for practical and unified actions by all relevant parties to cool down the situation and restore peace and stability on the ground as soon as possible.
The current violent escalation in the Gaza strip is an epitome of the years-long tit-for-tat violence between Israel and Palestine, the seed of which has long been sowed by the U.S. flawed, partial Middle East policy in blatant favor of Israel for its own political gains. Instead of taking real actions to mitigate the alarming bloodshed, the one-sided Washington has deliberately turned a blind eye to Israel’s unrestrained use of armed violence against the Palestinian enclave, sweeping Palestinian Muslims into war and sufferings. Much worse, it set barricades to international mediation by compelling the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to postpone a meeting on the Palestine-Israel issue that was originally scheduled for May 14, and blocking the issuance of a UNSC statement expressing concern about the situation in Palestine.
Though a self-proclaimed “human rights defender,” the United States showed overt apathy to the trampling on Palestinians’ human rights, only to lay bare its double standards and two faces. Despite being a permanent member of the UNSC, Washington has taken a position against the international community and rejected to fulfill its international obligations to safeguard world peace and stability.
– The Daily Mail-China
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