Westerners sowing discord between China, Islamic World

BEIJING: The ongoing Israel-Palestine conflicts have given rise to attempts seeking to drive a wedge between China and the Islamic countries.
A view recently has emerged in the West, particularly the US, hyping that the Chinese people are divided toward the Israel-Palestine conflicts. It holds the China’s official attitude is anti-Israel largely because of Israel’s pro-US stance, while the Chinese people are anti-Palestine and prefer Israelis out of Islamophobia.
Anyone who does some research will find this is a serious misinterpretation about China’s official and public attitudes. Of course, there are some Americans who deliberately try to sow discord between China and Islamic countries.
What Chinese people see from the Israel-Palestine conflicts is power politics. When a country does not have enough strength to resist hegemony, the fate of its people is quite miserable.
The Chinese people have sympathy for the Palestinians, because we can feel their anger and helplessness. On China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo, many netizens have expressed indignation toward the US for America’s partial stance which leads to injustice.
China supports the United Nations’ standpoint of fostering peace and stability in the region, and the Chinese public’s attitude is consistent with that of the government. It opposes US obstructionism on Israel-Palestine peace and the injustice the US has created in the region.
This latest conflict has given the Chinese people a deeper understanding of US hypocrisy. Washington is hyping up human rights condition of Uygurs in China’s Xinjiang, but it has indulged Israel’s violence against Palestine.
Israel’s attacks have plunged the Gaza Strip into a new humanitarian disaster. However, the US repeatedly blocked the UN Security Council from adopting a joint statement calling for an immediate ceasefire. The Biden administration also approved the sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel. Meanwhile, the US continues to place itself on the moral high ground.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item