‘Love for people makes CPC source of strength’

BEIJING: Chinese communists have accomplished great achievements in the country’s development by living up to their all-for-the-people commitment, Jacques Cheminade, chairman of the French political party Solidarity and Progress, recently told media via video link.
For the Communist Party of China (CPC), loving people is not only a political commitment, but also the source of strength, said Cheminade. In his view, a political party must know well about and be linked to the history of its own country, which is exactly what the CPC has been doing.
“In China, there is a vision of the future nourished by the past, by the Chinese history,” said the party leader, referring to the Belt and Road Initiative as a case in point. In 2019, Cheminade visited China for the first time and participated in the Euro-Asia Economic Forum in Xi’an, capital of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.
During the trip, he noticed that people’s living standards in this country had been growing incredibly fast and that local people were more optimistic about their future compared with people in the West.
Talking about relations between France and China, Cheminade expressed his hope that the two countries could forge a more rational and active link in safeguarding multilateralism. “It is by building multilateralism through different ways that we will achieve the same commitment to the development of all,” he said. In March, Cheminade co-signed a declaration with experts from different countries, calling on the West to face up to China’s development achievements and to strengthen cooperation with the Asian country. Denouncing the anti-China propaganda organized by some Western countries, Cheminade stressed that China has never imposed its own political system on other countries. In dealing with adverse situations created by the West, China has also been showing patience and good political will, he added, expressing appreciation for “the sense of common welfare” of the CPC and the Chinese people. – Agencies