National Assembly hosts 2nd general conference of PAECO

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly of Pakistan hosts the second General Conference of the Parliamentary Assembly of Economic Cooperation Organization (PAECO) June 01-02, 2021 in Islamabad. The Speakers and Parliamentarians from the ECO Parliaments will attend the event on the invitation of the Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser.
The Conference is being attended by Mir Rehman Rahmani, Speaker of the Wolsi Jirga of Afghanistan, Ms. Sahiba Gafarova, Speaker of the MiliMajlis of Azerbaijan, Mr. Talant Mamytov, Speaker of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Zokirzoda Mahmodthohir ,Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Mustafa Sentop, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mr. Ismoilov Nurdinjoin, Speaker of the Majlis Oli of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Mr. Mynbay Darkhan as Heads of the delegation of the House of Representatives of Kazakhstan. Whereas, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf ,Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, Ms. Gulshat Mammedova Chairperson of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and Dr. Hadi Soleimanpour Secretary General of ECO would virtually participate in the meeting.
The Inaugural Ceremony of the Conference would be graced by Dr. Arif Alvi President Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 1st June 2021.
The inaugural Session would comprise a welcome address of Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser and addresses of Speakers/ Heads of delegations of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan and key note address of Chief Guest President Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The Speaker National Assembly will also preside over meeting of Executive Council and General Conference as per the Charter of PAECO, a document agreed to acclaim the efforts of Izmir Treaty.