Chinese Envoy expresses confidence in China-Nigeria cooperation

ABUJA: The future of cooperation between China and Nigeria remains bright, Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria Cui Jianchun said Thursday.
He made the remark at a meeting with Mai Mala Buni, caretaker chairman of Nigeria’s governing party All Progressives Congress (APC). Cui said China and Nigeria can further develop a strategy to enhance the win-win cooperation between the two countries.
“We can also partner for improvements in electricity, information and communication technology, industrial growth, investment, and technology. We will encourage investors to invest and create jobs in Nigeria,” the envoy said, noting that China and Nigeria had many things in common. Cui said this year, which marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the two countries’ diplomatic relations, is a very special year for the two countries to do things for mutual benefit.
Buni, who is also the governor of Nigeria’s northeastern state of Yobe, said that there were huge opportunities to be exploited for the mutual benefit of China and Nigeria. In his capacity as the caretaker chairman of the Nigerian governing party, he said there was room for a partnership between China’s top legislature, the National People’s Congress, and the APC.
“We should collaborate and continue to do business with Chinese investors in Nigeria for infrastructural development. Nigerians are willing to explore and exploit available avenues to move forward,” Buni added. – Agencies