‘MCI must address sanitation, sewerage issues’

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI), Sardar Yasir Ilyas Khan has said that the business community was facing problems due to old and dilapidated sewerage and water lines in markets and industrial areas and emphasized that Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) should address these issues on priority to facilitate the growth of trade and industrial activities.
This was stated by him while exchanging views with Director General Civic Services MCI, Ghulam Sarwar Sandhu, during his visit to ICCI on Friday. Senior Vice President Fatma Azim, Vice President ICCI Abdul Rehman Khan, Muhammad Ejaz Abbasi, Khalid Chaudhry, Saeed Khan, Omais Khattak, Aslam Khokhar, Naveed Malik and others were present in the meeting.
Sardar Yasir Ilyas Khan said that Chairman CDA Amir Ali Ahmed in collaboration with ICCI has started development works in markets and industrial areas including carpeting of roads and restoration of streetlights and stressed that MCI should also work with ICCI to find out the key issues of business community and take measures to address them that would help in promoting business activities smoothly.
Fatma Azim Senior Vice President, Abdul Rehman Khan Vice President ICCI, Ejaz Abbasi former President ICCI and others also briefed Ghulam Sarwar Sandhu about the major issues of business community related to MCI and hoped that he would cooperate in resolving them.
Speaking at the occasion, Director General Civic Services MCI Ghulam Sarwar Sandhu highlighted the key initiatives being taken by the MCI to improve the civic services in the city. He said that MCI was working to improve the sanitation system and replace old sewerage pipelines with new ones.
He said that the contract sanitation system was being abolished in G-Sectors while renovation of Nullahs for smooth water drainage was in progress.