Vaccination drive needs more orderly approach

From Menahill Rashid

In the Corona Vaccine procedure, you have also to sign the performa at the time of injecting Corona Vaccine that “ you yourself are responsible regarding taking Corona Vaccine whatsoever”
This is the responsibility of the citizens? or the Government takes the responsibilities of the life, honour and property of the people? If the citizens themselves are responsible, then whether this Corona Vaccine should be optional or mandatory? Government Will have to clarify this phenomenon to the peoples’ of Pakistan, because they are why already much afraid of this Vaccine?
On the other side, it has been stressed regarding Corona Vaccine, that all 100% Government Employees must get vaccination but it comes from the reliable sources that they can get this Vaccine even 200% , but first of all, it is also the duty of our health department to assess and evaluate the real conditions of those persons/ citizens/govt.
Employees who have already taken this Corona Vaccine. Is there any need of nurse or need of care them? still they have obtained first dose, and after first dose, what are they feeling and what is the response of their bodies? Their evaluation & data analysis must be collected immediately, then certain these facts might help the Government as well as it will convey maximum information to the people who have still not got this vaccine. Least! Haste may make waste!
According to the sources, some female & male gender are saying “Alas” with sever pains, joint pains and also swelling in their joints after taking the 1st dose. Allopathic pain killer medicines are also not showing much prompt reliefs in some persons who have taken the 1st doze of this Corona Vaccine. Whereas they have to take the 2nd dose that will be injected after three months to them.
Whether their “Alas” with pains will get stop soon or it may remain continuing or it changes further into other wearisome? So the people are demanding that there is dire need to get this Vaccine in the form of step by step vaccination process previewing the results of the Vaccinated People, which might be more benificial rather than collectively at once for all the individuals.
Keeping in view the resultant evaluation of the ongoing health conditions of previous ones who have already taken the Vaccine is also mandatory.
If the Government says to take it on your own responsibility, then who will be held accountable and responsible for its side affects & the treatment of the side effects if it appears! It is therefore being considered that, your family will bear your burden, and if the whole family is injected with Corona Vaccine at once and all get side effects, where will be the way out and who will earn livelihood for the family in the situations when eatables have a wonderful rate.
Acceding to the sources, a female gender took this Corona Vaccine 23 days earlier, her body has sever muscular pain & joint pains even such pains are still present, and her husband in certain worries sometimes gives Allopathic pain killer, and after it he is using Homeopathic medicine to get rid of the “Alas” condition even time and again her husband awakes at night to care his wife.
In this way, from where one can get the actual parameter through which the accurate results regarding this Vaccine could be observed practically, because its practical results are new for all.
Government is doing well, but along with it should provide certain Medical care counters which may fully care for those who have taken this Vaccine and are facing certain side effects.
Some of those, who have taken the first dose, have started to take homeopathic medicine from a known Waqar Homeopathic Hospital and Research Center Chenab Nagar District Chiniot to get relief from the sever body pains.
After these muscular and joint pains, what will happen next? It is still unknown.
So where there is mandatory order for all the citizens, there must be opened separate health counters comprising of experienced Doctors to look after the persons of side effects. A medical survey team should be constituted to assess and evaluate the persons who have already taken the vaccine. If this medical survey team gets satisfaction, then other people age wise may be allowed for further Vaccine in next step.
If all the persons immediately get vaccinated, who will care the affected one’s? whereas our health department has already announced” to get corona Vaccine on your own behalf/responsibility.
In this way the “ NURSED” phenomenon will fail, because if a family is consisting of five individuals, and they all get this Vaccine and face certain severe side effects, who will come forward to support them? Peoples’ of various localities have demanded the answer of this question for satisfaction.
A rich man has certain resources, but majority of the people is poor, and no one will dare to look after them, and where they will have to find any shelter for recovery. There is dire need of a soft, appropriate and conclusive policy, adding step by step age wise methodology having a concrete eyes on the individuals who have already taken this vaccine.
If there is received all ok reports of already Vaccinated individuals, then further individuals maybe allowed for vaccination. Because everyone or everything changes with time. Even if you are reluctant to change personally, positively, attitudinally, intellectually or mentally. God, life and time must change you facially, visually, bodily, emotionally, age wise, health wise and otherwise.
After observe ring the conditions of already Vaccinated individuals, the other one will be certainly be ready to get this Corona Vaccine because of a satisfactory report issued by the health department after the due evaluation of already Vaccinated individuals.