Top cops visit Police Stations under layman’s cover

-Cops’ Round-up

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman and DIG Operations Afzaal Ahmed Kausar on Thursday impersonated themselves as common complainants and visited different police stations of the city.
The purpose of the visit was to review the attitude and professionalism of the duty officers, police guides, and police officials deputed at the Front Desks. IGP and DIG Operations dressed in plain clothes visited PS Karachi Company, PS Ramna, PS Sabzi Mandi, PS Industrial Area and PS Khanna.
IGP appreciated professionalism of the staff at PS Sabzi Mandi and PS Industrial Area and announced commendation certificates and cash prizes for the on-duty cops. Those rewarded include SHO Sabzi Mandi Inspector Muhammad Ashraf, Police Guide Constable Sajid Mahmood at the Sabzi Mandi police station; Moharrar Industrial Area Head Constable Mudassar Mushtaq; Duty Officer police station Khanna ASI Zaheer Khan; and Police Guide Karachi Company police station Constable Bilal Ahmed.
IGP directed DIG Operations to initiate departmental action against SDPO Ramna and Margalla circles and SHO police station Ramna Akhtar Zaman for their poor performance. Duty Officer Karachi Company police station SI Iftikhar and the official deputed at the Front Desk of police station Khanna Head Constable Shahbaz were suspended for not complying with the standard procedures.
Speaking during his visit, the IGP said that the department was going for reforms and other practical steps to ensure provision of facilities to the residents. He directed all the concerned to ensure that the instructions passed on are complied with, as no laxity would be tolerated in this regard. He said that the staff deputed at the Front Desks must be polite in their behaviour.
Eight cops reshuffled

ISLAMABAD: Eight cop officers of Capital Police have been reshuffled. SSP Farrukh Rasheed PSP has been transferred from SSP Traffic to SSP Law and Order. SSP Dr. Muhammad Khurram Rasheed PSP was transferred from AIG Operations to SSP CTD while SSP Dr. Naveed Atif has been transferred from SSP Logistics to AIG Establishment.
Similarly, SSP Khalid Rasheed has been transferred from SSP Law and Order and posted as AIG General while SP Syed Qarar Hussain PSP who recently joined ICT Police has now been posted as SSP Traffic. SP Muhmmad Umar Khan, on the other hand, was transferred from SP City and posted as SSP Logistics with an additional charge of AIG Operations. SP Rana Abdul Wahab has been transferred from SP Rural Zone and posted as SP City zone while SP Nosherwan Ali who was working with Sindh police and only recently joined Islamabad Police has now been posted as SP Rural Zone.
No wireless operators for below SSP rank

ISLAMABAD: The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Qazi Jamil Ur Rehman has ordered to close the wireless operators who were deputed with police officers below the rank of SSP, informed a police spokesman on Wednesday.
Capital Cops’ Chief issued directions that no officer posted/working against the posts below the rank of SSP is entitled/authorised to have a wireless operator, he said. He added that only those police officials will be posted as wireless operators with the entitled/authorised police officers who have never been posted as operators during their entire career. “All newly posted wireless operator shall undergo a course of two days to be planned by SSP Logistic, Islamabad,†the spokesman said.
He said IG also asked the DIGs to submit a detailed report with his office regarding closure of wireless operators in Police Lines HQs.