Open trade of Uranium in India

Pakistan has expressed its deep concerns over the recent reports of another incident of attempted illegal sale of Uranium in India and reiterated its call for thorough investigation of such incidents and implementation of measures for strengthening the security of nuclear materials to prevent their diversion. Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson Mr. Zahid Hafeez Chaudhry said “We have seen the reports about yet another incident of attempted illegal sale of 6 kg of Uranium in India. Chaudhry said that a similar incident involving 7 kg of Uranium in the Indian state of Maharashtra last month and other such reports in the past are a matter of deep concern as they point to lax controls, poor regulatory and enforcement mechanisms, as well as possible existence of a black market for nuclear materials inside India. He pointed to the UN Security Council Resolution 1540 and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) which made it binding on states to ensure stringent measures to prevent nuclear material from falling into wrong hands. Chaudhry further noted that it is equally important to ascertain the intent and ultimate use of the attempted Uranium sale given its relevance to international peace and security as well as the sanctity of global non-proliferation regime. Pakistan as a South Asian Country and responsible Nuclear state is very concern about Indian Nuclear Stockpile and its slopy Security measures for the safety and security of its nuclear arsenal. There had been numerous incidents of such illegal Uranium sale in India in the past. Pakistan has fulfilled its moral and international obligation through brining this grave situation in the knowledge of international community, however, the role of the international nuclear watchdog IAEA is completely absent throughout this whole episode. Earlier, Indian Police had arrested two men namely Abu Tahir and Jigar Pandaya involved in selling 7 kg natural uranium for Rs. 25 crores in the Indian State of Maharashtra during first week of May 2021. It is said that the Uranium had been sold out as scrape from a factory some time back. Besides, these two reported incidents there had been numerous incidents of such illegal sale of Uranium in India in the past but Indian authorities had not demonstrated a responsible behavior and remained failed to safe guard this highly sensitive and radioactive material which is normally used in Nuclear weapons.

Although, Foreign office Spokesperson had expressed his concerns over such grave security violations, however, any accidental fusion of this radioactive material could lead to the loss of thousands of valuable human lives and properties in the neighboring Country, India. In fact, in any such situation Indian government would not take a second in blaming Pakistan or banned terrorist organizations based in Pakistan for that “nuclear terrorism”. Therefore, government of Pakistan must raise this issue at UNO and IAEA to highlight the pathetic security measures taken by the Indian government for safe custody of its nuclear weaponry. Pakistan must also inform the world that it also faces a threat of nuclear terrorism from Indian Hindu extremist organizations including RSS and Vishva Hindu Praishad (VHP) while using this easily available nuclear material in Indian black market. As precautionary measures, Pakistan must enhanced its security measures at border entry points with India for detection of any potential smuggling of nuclear material into Pakistan to avoid any terrorist incidents or any conspiracy plan to defame Pakistan at international level by using Indian Uranium or other Nuclear material.