Slogan of accountability

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari busted on the PTI Government and accused it for having dual Standard of accountability for the Politicians from his party PPP another words from Sindh Province as compare to Politicians from his Political rival PML-N mostly based in Punjab. Bilawal gave a complete portrait parle of the alleged corruption cases both parties. According to Bilawal Raiwind’s Prime Minister (Nawaz Sharif) had been sent abroad by the PTI government for treatment despite being convicted while the Country’s President from Nawab Shah (President Asif Ali Zardari) having medical bail from the court had been moving back and forth between the doctors and did not go abroad for treatment. Bilawal further compare two opposition leaders from both rival parties PPP and PML-N and said that the opposition leader from Lahore (Shahbaz Sharif) got bail from the court whereas the PPP Opposition leader from Sukkur (Khursheed Shah) had been rolled back and forth between NAB and Court. Bilawal accused the government for mishandling with Khursheed Shah. Bilawal is an emerging Political leader of the country, who mostly demonstrated a liberal and balanced political approach promoting national unity and coherence. However, his recent statement displayed a different narrative based on regional bias which does not match with his personality. In fact, all political parties demand accountability but only for other not for their selves. Currently, the people of the country have witnessed the difference of Naya Pakistan and now looking toward PPP and PML-N for a change. It is advisable to Chairman Bilawal Bhutto that the nation envisions him as national leader higher than the provincial, regional or ethnic biases, you have long way to go in the national politics therefore you must not limit your flight to Sindh only. All Pakistan is your, therefore you must use Pakistan card instead of Sindh card.