People’s trust in CPC on rise, surveys find

BEIJING: Chinese people’s satisfaction and trust in the century-old Communist Party of China has been on the rise, driven by the Party leading the country in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and eliminating extreme poverty, according to reports and analysts.
Earlier this month, an image circulated online moved many netizens. Three epidemic-control workers dressed in white protective suits were seen in a fast-moving vehicle carrying medical supplies into driving wind and rain along a street in Guangzhou, Guangdong province’s capital, which was recently hit by a new outbreak of COVID-19.
A red Party flag attached to the vehicle fluttered above the workers’ heads, its bright color standing out in the dim light.
The image was taken by a resident in Liwan district, a high-risk area where the first locally transmitted case was reported in the latest outbreak, on June 2.
He shared it on the microblogging service Sina Weibo and wrote: “In the rainstorm, it is you who carry this flag to charge to the front. Pay tribute to the heroes in harm’s way.”
Many netizens commented that the Party flag made them feel at ease. One wrote, “The Party flag always flutters high on the front line”, and another commented “At critical moments, Party members will surely step up.”
The Party’s flag is reassuring to the Chinese people, especially after the strong leadership shown by Party organizations in implementing epidemic control measures beginning last year, and the arduous efforts of millions of Party members to eradicate absolute poverty in China. –Agencies