Canada using HR as political tool at UN, says diplomat

GENEVA: Canada’s spreading disinformation to frame China at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is nothing but using human rights as a political tool, and is doomed to failure, a senior Chinese diplomat said.
Ahead of the 47th regular session of the UNHRC, which is scheduled from June 21 to July 13, Canada is leading in making a Xinjiang-related joint statement at the interactive dialogue on the annual report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
In his response to media interview, Liu Yuyin, spokesperson for the Chinese Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva, said that such an attempt is doomed to failure.
“Out of political purposes, a small group of Western countries, Canada included, attempt once again to spread disinformation and lies to frame China at the Human Rights Council. This is nothing but a repeat of their usual trick of using human rights as a political tool, which is bound to be rejected by the international community and doomed to failure,” Liu said.
He added that the Chinese government is committed to the well-being of its people including people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, as it takes their aspiration for a better life as its goal.
“With unremitting efforts, Xinjiang has made remarkable achievements in economic and social development and in the field of human rights. At present, Xinjiang enjoys social stability, peace and economic prosperity. People there are leading a safe and enjoyable life,” he said.
According to the Chinese diplomat, in 2020, after lifting more than 3 million people out of poverty in the region, Xinjiang eradicated absolute poverty for the first time in history.
“The Chinese government’s policies governing Xinjiang are open and aboveboard and accountable to the people and to history. These policies have won wholehearted support of people of all ethnic groups,” he said.
However, “certain countries are simply not happy to see prosperity, stability and development in Xinjiang and are doing whatever they can to fabricate lies about Xinjiang in an attempt to smear China, interfere in China’s internal affairs and retard China’s development,” he added. – Agencies