A young Pakistani emerges as role model for CPEC

BEIJING: A young Pakistani stripling Nirdosh Kumar becoming safety supervisor has emerged as a CPEC role model.
He was recently awarded the “Outstanding Pakistani Employee” of CPEC, along with the other 17 individuals, says a report.
Kumar is a safety supervisor at the power plant of Thar Energy Limited (TEL), a project under the framework of CPEC.
According to the report, every morning, after the routine meeting on safety, Kumar always follows his mentor to conduct regular inspection in each execution site, including tens of meters’ high steel structure factory and complicated crossing construction faces.
He is in charge of supervising the implementation of clients’ safety requirements and workers’ work standards. He alerts his fellow workers to personal safety.
His diligence, high responsibility and dedication to work soon made him stand out from all the 30 safety supervisors at the site. Both Chinese and Pakistani work staff give Kumar a thumbs-up when mentioning him.
“Kumar is a man of great industry and he can complete all the assigned tasks on time. Kumar would timely ask questions that he did not understand, which is very rare among the post-90s group,” said proudly Zeng Qicai, the Chinese safety manager at the site of TEL power plant. – Agencies