Govt urged to implement Section 203 (A) to demoralize Tax Evaders

By Asad Chema

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Economy Watch (PEW) on Sunday urged the government to implement the Section 203 (A) to demoralize the tax evaders, boost revenue and ignore the protest of business community in this connection.
President PEW Dr. Murtaza Mughal said that the government’s move is good but Section 203 (A) must be amended so that it becomes balanced and bar tax officials from harassing taxpayers unnecessarily.
He said that we fully support the decision of the government regarding installation of a point-of-sale (POS) system and measures such as a fine of one million rupees and sealing of the shop which should not be withdrawn.
The business community is worried about possible harassment by the tax officials in the wake of new powers granted to them therefore safeguards should be provided, he added. Dr Murtaza Mughal said that the tax officer should only arrest a taxpayer after undeniable proof of tax evasion which can be proved in the court of law.
Tax officer should be punished and losses of the businessman must be compensated for losses if the charges against him could not be proved in the court, he demanded.