‘ITP introducing measures for safe road environment’

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: SSP Traffic Syed Karrar Hussain has said that the Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) has introduced elaborate measures to ensure smooth traffic flow and safer road environment in the City.
He said that following the directions of Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Qazi Jamil ur Rehman, an additional deployment of policemen have been ensured and bikes and vehicles have been provided to them. These cops work in two shifts and patrol in different areas to check traffic violations and ensure smooth traffic flow in busy areas.
Highlighting the efforts of ITP, Syed Karrar Hussain said that speed cameras are being used to check over-speeding while PSV squads have been constituted to check violation by transporters. Moreover, Line Patrol Unit, Eagle Eye team, Monitoring Unit and Quick Response Unit have been constituted for implementation on traffic rules and provide assistance to road users in case of any difficulty. The helpline of ITP (1915) has been made more responsive while special campaign has been initiated to check completion of routes and fitness of vehicles.
The SSP Traffic said that ITP is using all resources to make Islamabad `accident and smoke free’ city while special teams are working for disciplined traffic system. He said that modern technology is being used for the purpose while special PSV squads remain present at Faizabad, Pirwadhai, Bhara Kau, Aabpara, Khana brige, Karachi Company and other main avenues to check vehicles plying within the city or between two cities.
Syed Karrar Hussain said that Quick Response Unit approach the busy area to ensure smooth traffic flow while personnel of help unit of Islamabad rush for help in case of any difficulty to citizens on roads. As per guidelines of IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil ur Rehman, the SSP (Traffic) said that efforts would remain continue to ensure secure road environment in the city and implementation on traffic rules for safety of citizens.