Xi greets Iranian counterpart

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Ebrahim Raisi on Monday over the latter’s election as Iranian president.
In his message, Xi noted that China and Iran are comprehensive strategic partners, and this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations.
He added that he highly values the development of China-Iran ties, and stands ready to work with Raisi to strengthen bilateral strategic communication, consolidate mutual political trust, and broaden and deepen win-win cooperation in various fields, so as to create benefits for both countries and their peoples. Earlier on Saturday the Iranian Interior Ministry had announced Ebrahim Raisi won Iran’s presidential election after securing over 60 percent of votes.
Iranian Deputy Interior Minister Jamal Orf told a press conference that 28.6 million Iranians out of some 59 million eligible voters participated in the election.
Before the official result came out, Iran’s outgoing president, Hassan Rouhani praised the participation of the voters and welcomed the victory of the winner without naming Raisi.
“Although I will delay the official congratulations in conformity with the law, the people’s choice is already clear and he will take over the government in 45 days,” Rouhani said, as quoted by state TV.
Abdolnaser Hemmati, the reformist candidate in the election with 2.4 million votes according to the partial results, was also fast to extend his congratulations to Raisi as the winner of the election.
In a message on his personal Instagram account, Hemmati expressed his hope that the new leader “will make the Islamic Republic of Iran proud, and also improve the livelihood and prosperity, and provide welfare for the great nation of Iran.”
Presidential candidates Rezaei and Amir Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi have also extended their congratulations to Raisi, conceding their defeats.
Raisi, 60, is set to take over at a critical time, as Iran seeks to salvage its nuclear deal with major powers and free itself from sanctions imposed by the U.S. that have driven a sharp economic downturn.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN
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