Officials, observers underline CPC’s history

Officials and global observers have underlined the importance of understanding the Communist Party of China, especially its history, after the Party led the Chinese people to achieve unprecedented success in various fields, including COVID-19 control and poverty alleviation, during its continuing journey.
Addressing the Vision China event organized by China Daily on Sunday in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, Zhu Guoxian, head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, said that the Party has stood the test of history over the past 100 years and has written a spectacular chapter in the development of the Chinese nation and progress of human society.
The fact that the Party has grown from a small party of some 50 members into the world’s largest ruling party, with more than 91 million members, shows the advanced nature of the CPC, Zhu said. In 1921, the CPC’s founders convened the Party’s First National Congress and announced its founding on a small boat, later known as the Red Boat, on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing.
Sunday’s event, with the theme “Long March from Red Boat”, was held ahead of the 100th anniversary, on July 1, of the CPC’s founding. Zhou Shuchun, publisher and editor-in-chief of China Daily, said the event provided an opportunity to look back at history and forward to the future. Starting from Jiaxing, the CPC has been uniting and leading people on a great journey through brambles and thorns to save and revitalize the Chinese nation, Zhou said.
“To understand today’s CPC, we need to start from the Red Boat again. Without the CPC, there would be no New China, and one cannot read and understand China without knowing and understanding the CPC,” he said.
Zhang Bing, secretary of the CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee, said that since its start from the Red Boat, the CPC has remained committed to seeking happiness for the people and pursuing rejuvenation for the nation.
Now Jiaxing, which has achieved remarkable development over the years, is also an important window to observe and understand China’s development and the Party’s vitality in the new era, Zhang said.
In a video speech at the event, Marcos Cordeiro Pires, a professor of political economics at Sao Paulo State University in Brazil, said the CPC has experienced a long journey marked by “many sacrifices, much struggle and many achievements”.
Few countries have managed to overcome scientific and technological disadvantages and match the world’s greatest powers like China has, he said, mentioning the country’s progress in space exploration, 5G and artificial intelligence. Pires said that the determination and resilience of the Chinese people and the leadership of the CPC are the reasons for China’s achievements.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item