Rs 3.15m distributed among IOs of Capital Police

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad Police have distributed Rs3.15 million among 35 investigation officers and muharars to make the investigation process more transparent, merit-oriented and end corruption during the process.

Following the vision and special directions of the Inspector General of Police Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, the Islamabad Police have initiated an important measure to investigate the cases on merit and ensure transparency in the whole process.

The cost of investigation has been distributed among the investigation officers in a ceremony held at the office of the DIG (Operations) Afzal Ahmad Kausar. The cheques of Rs2.15 million were distributed among 35 investigations officers and muharars while the cheques of Rs1 million are given to muharars for food of the detainees in hawalat.
The DIG (Operations) lauded the SSP (Investigation) Atta-ur-Rehman for arranging the investigation cost bills, adding that all investigation officers investigating cases like murder, terrorism, robberies are being given the investigation costs while expenses for three time meal of suspects under investigation have also been released.
He said the initiative will help ensure transparency in the investigation process, end corruption and dispense justice to complainants.

The DIG (Operations) said that all measures were being taken as per vision and policy of the IGP to ensure merit in the police, hoping the investigation officers will work diligently on their cases after getting the required expenses.
The investigation officers will submit their bills and payment will be reimbursed to them after a verification process, the Islamabad police spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday.