Gas supply to industrial zone suspended

KARACHI: In view of the worsening gas crisis, Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) suspended supply of natural gas to the industrial zone in Karachi.
According to a spokesperson of SSGC, the gas utility was receiving 200 MMCFD to 250 MMCFD less gas than usual. He maintained that owing to the acute shortage of gas, SSGC cut gas supply by 50 per cent to KEPTO power plant.
The spokesperson said that the gas utility was facing difficulties in meeting the demands of domestic consumers. He claimed that the company was providing gas only to export industries.
Earlier on June 20, the gas crisis in the country worsened as Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) hasd decided to disconnect supply to CNG stations and industrial units.
According to sources privy to the matter, two gas fields in the Sindh province, Kunnar Pasakhi and Gambat gas fields had been shut for repair works, worsening the already strained supply.
“The SSGC after the closure of these two gas fields is facing upto 40 percent shortage in gas supply,” they had said, adding that the SSGC had a requirement of 1260 mmcfd, however, it is only receiving a supply of 850 mmcfd. – PNP