‘Rising Afghan violence could buttress spoilers’

By Our Diplomatic Correspondent

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi Thursday said that rising violence in Afghanistan could strengthen “spoilers”. The statement from the top Pakistani diplomat came during a meeting with Iran’s Special Envoy on Afghanistan Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian Fard. They discussed the Afghan peace process, besides the security situation in the region.
Qureshi said Pakistan considered peace in Afghanistan essential for the region’s peace and stressed that the country always supported the notion that there was no military solution to the Afghan problem.
He said a sustainable Afghan-led and Afghan-owned political solution through a comprehensive dialogue was the best option to resolve the conflict. He mentioned that the unrest in Afghanistan had affected both Pakistan and Iran.
Qureshi emphasized that the Afghan factions must take immediate steps to make the Afghan peace process fruitful through dialogue.
He said peace would help boost trade activity, repatriate Afghan refugees and help regional stability.
‘Best wishes to new president’
The foreign minister also conveyed the best wishes of the Pakistani leadership to the newly elected President of Iran Syed Ibrahim Raisi.
Iran’s Special Envoy on Afghanistan Mohammad Ebrahim Taherian Fard thanked Foreign Minister Qureshi and expressed a desire for joint efforts for peace in Afghanistan. The two sides also discussed Pak-Iran bilateral relations and other areas of interest.