Experts hail President Xi’s message to BRI States

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s written message to the Asia and Pacific High-level Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation on Wednesday has showed China’s willingness to jointly build a closer Belt and Road partnership with the rest of the world, experts and scholars in the region have said.
Meanwhile, it has also demonstrated that China will continue to follow the path of unity, cooperation, interconnectivity and common development, and make more contributions to global cooperation and growth, they noted.
When President Xi said China stands ready to work with all parties to build a closer Belt and Road partnership, it means China is completely open for cooperation and partnership under a win-win formula, said Khalid Rahman, director general of the Institute of Policy Studies in Islamabad.
There is a clear roadmap and work plan in the Belt and Road construction, which has helped create a vast number of new jobs and realize inter-connectivities through infrastructure construction and mega investment projects, he added. Tursunali Kuziev, a professor at Uzbek University of Journalism and Mass Communications, noted that as the Chinese president said in his written message, the joint building of the Belt and Road is aimed at carrying forward the spirit of the Silk Road, working together to build an open platform of cooperation, and providing new impetus for cooperation and development among countries.
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has opened a new era of interconnection and win-win cooperation between Central Asian countries and China, said Kuziev, adding that despite the world was hit by COVID-19, their cooperation has seen steady progress in various fields and the joint development of the BRI has continued to move forward.
Chen Gang, assistant director of the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore, said this high-level meeting demonstrated that countries along the Belt and Road still support and attach importance to the BRI amid the pandemic.
Relevant parties can strengthen cooperation in such fields as renewable energy, science and technology, digital economy, and public health, Chen suggested. – Agencies