Shahbaz Sharif greets President Xi on CPC’s 100th Anniversary

LAHORE: Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif congratulated Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party.
He said that the centenary of CPC certainly a “momentous occasion for Chinese people as well as the friends of China around the world.” He said the achievements of the CPC over the last century are indeed historic.
Shahbaz said that CPC has shown dynamism, vision and creativity to rise to the challenges of every age, be it the liberation struggle; consolidation of power; national reconstruction on the basis of the principle of ‘self-reliance’, the opening-up and economic reforms; anti-corruption drive; introduction of market economy with Chinese characteristics; Belt and Road Initiative; eradication of poverty and the projection of an assertive and confident China on the world stage.
The PMLN president said that CPC had given China a strong identity, a resolute sense of purpose and transformed the once slumbering giant into a global, economic, military and strategic power.
Shahbaz said that the history of the CPC over the last hundred years is living proof of the fact that service to the people remains the foundational principle of its philosophy and it is the welfare of Chinese people that have formed the core of the CPC policies.
The PMLN-leader said the development model pursued by CPC has ‘Chinese characteristics’ at its core. He said patriotism, hard work, complete faith, trust and confidence in the CPC leadership is the driving force behind China’s economic miracle. A sense of participation in the national development has been a permanent feature of CPC’s pro-people policies, he said.
Shahbaz said that the fundamental tenet of CPC is to serve people of all nationalities wholeheartedly. CPC leadership at every level is always close to the masses hence enjoys their trust and confidence. He said effective and swift handling of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and most recently COVID-19 further enhanced the confidence of the people in the party and its leadership.
Shahbaz further said that China’s development model spearheaded by CPC and General Secretary Xi Jinping is premised on forming win-win partnerships and creating a community of shared interests. – Agencies