Foreign Secy addresses Experts’ Dialogue on Pakistan-ASEAN

By Anzal Amin

Islamabad: Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood delivered keynote address at the Experts Dialogue on “Pakistan-ASEAN: Shared Future and the Way Forward”, co-organized by the Embassy of Indonesia and the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad (ISSI), said a presser released by Forign Ministery on Friday.
Noting the steady trajectory of Pakistan-ASEAN relations, the Foreign Secretary underlined the high priority accorded by Pakistan to its relations with South East Asian nations and its recognition of ASEAN’s vast economic potential and its centrality in the regional architecture.
Consistent with “Vision East Asia” policy, the Foreign Secretary underscored Pakistan’s commitment to further strengthen Pakistan-ASEAN partnership in all dimensions. He specifically stressed the importance of forging closer cooperation in political, economic, security, tourism, education and socio-cultural domains.