IHS, UAF organize Webinar on Use of Mulching in Landscape

By Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: The Institute of Horticultural Sciences (IHS), University of Agriculture Faisalabad organized a webinar on “Use of Mulching in Landscape” in collaboration with “Let’s Lock Technologies”, USA and HortiClub, Faisalabad. In which more than 500 people participated.
IHS Director Prof. Dr. Aman Malik while chairing the session said that rapid industrialization and urbanization had resulted in elevated global temperature over the years consequently disturbing the balance of agro-ecological systems worldwide. Therefore, new eco-friendly agricultural practices for sustainable landscape approaches are needed.
Prof Dr. C.M. Ayyub said that use of mulching can potentially serve the purpose by reducing soil evaporation, conserving moisture, controlling soil temperature, reducing weed growth, and improving microbial activities.
Dr. Adnan Younis highlighted the possibility of mulch use in landscape in Pakistan. He said that the selection of mulching material is important and appropriate mulching technique could provide the benefits to the agro-ecological systems.
Dr. Atif Riaz from Australia spoke about the mulches use and its advantages in urban landscape. He focused those mulches can provide economical, aesthetic, and environmental advantages to landscape.
Mehak Shahzad elaborated that Mulches can combat with different stress conditions in agricultural lands as well as in landscapes.
Uzma Khan CEO Let’s Lock Technologies, USA urged to change the theme of landscape in Pakistan by using mulching. She also concentrated on mulches use in urban areas conserve the soil moisture, enhance the nutrients status of soil, control the erosion losses, suppress the weeds in crop plants, and remove the residual effects of pesticides, fertilizers, and heavy metals.
Mr. Tayyab Shah CEO HortiClub said that his company has mulching material in five colors. HE also added that these mulch will improve the aesthetic value of landscapes and economic value of property.
Mr. Ahsan Syed, MD Let’s Lock Technologies, USA briefed about the infrastructure of their company to meet the demand worldwide.