Beauty fitness and perfection: The Trio

By Hafsa Tanvir

Let me ask you a question, which alternative words come in your mind after listening the word “Beauty” or what is beauty according to you or in your words? I would say “Perfection” is a perfect word for beauty but what does the perfection really means? You’re not forced to agree with me but here what it means.
In our Mass Communication class of ‘creative thinking and imagination’, professor asked the above question and every student utter a different alternative word, defining beauty. Someone said nature, someone said beauty products, a big house, cars, parents, specific physical aspects and list goes on but ultimately, beauty is as immeasurable and infinite as Universe and God itself. The whole giant picture of us, our planet and the others orbiting around the sun, is just a point of departure. The perfection of it all, the billions of years it’s been doing this is nothing short of beautiful. What being beautiful is?Do you think anyone would have ever known beauty till date? No! …why? Why human beings strive for perfection and no other creature on this planet.Why? The answer is because final destination of human beings is something perfectly beautiful, emerging and human beings would never feel unconcerned and bored there. We basically didn’t belong to this planet, we belong to some infinite place. Well, if someone doesn’t agree then I have a question, why to be patient in difficulty, constantly been train to accept good and resist evil? To hit the Universal vastness of beauty at someday according to God’s plan, we certainly have to start working from a pin point-the body.
Body is just a vehicle on which soul and conscious is travelling from ‘The day of covenant’ to ‘Mother’s womb’ then world, burying place, then ‘day of resurrection’ and finally heaven or hell. In all this journey, the thing which cannot be found, is not changing its size, shape and worth is the soul and conscious but body is changing every other place, every other day. Keeping this in mind what should be more worth paying attention, body or soul? Both! Yes, it is.
Soul and body fitness/development go hand in hand. The strengthening of soul is in the strengthening of body. Health has honored as a fundamental right and obligation for every human being, which makes it a powerful source of guidance and information. Our body and soul have right on us. It is given to us as gift but we have driven our body ideals and standards at both extremes that disorders like body dysmorphia disorder, anorexia nervosa and dopamine addicts are growing in society. There is a thin line between addiction and fitness. In view of the fact, a person has to take charge when he is going to gym or sports, if he is taking energy cocaine drinks, proteins, steroids, amino acids and other so-called fitness supplements then it will be taken as addiction not as fitness. Instead, we can have juices, milk shakes and halal cocktails. Our sleep concepts, eating habits and exercise decides the degree of health in young and old age too. Our health makes sure the amount of knowledge we will have, the money we will make and the mindset. If you are healthy then you will be able to go to school, office, worship place, library, sports, outing and will be able to handle relationship with kin and Creator.
Beautiful is, reviving the forgotten healthy concepts of lifestyle. Beautiful is, being able to play, walk, pray and fast like young. Beautiful is, a healthy creative mindset and behavior. Beautiful is being able to read what life really means? Beautiful is knowing the philosophy of life, body and soul because we are, what we consume. This world and hereafter belongs to those who have beautiful heart and soul as we connect and associate with the soul and heart not with body.