Kawish, Al-Shifa Trust hold eye camp

ISLAMABAD: In view of the incessant number of eye diseases in Ghazi Tehsil, especially in Khari Gandgar, a daylong Eye camp will be organized by Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi in collaboration with Kawish Welfare Society Ghazi Hamlet in community center (Hujra) Khabal Sector, Ghazi Hamlet. Accredited and experienced ophthalmologists will examine the patients free of cost at the camp, along with free medicines, spectacles will also be provided at discounted rates while the patients will be referred to Rawalpindi for operation where surgery and lenses (England made) will be provided free of cost.
These views were expressed by Spokesman of KawishÂ®ï¸ Sultan Sarwar along with Camp’s Coordinator Syed Ghazanfar Shah in a press release issued at the end of the camp’s consultative meeting. He said that not only separate arrangements would be made for women in the camp but also women doctors would examine them. The spokesman appealed for the full cooperation of social activists, volunteers, members of welfare organizations, media representatives, imams and political representatives from across the region. He appealed to the women and men attending the camp to take precautionary measures against the COVID-19 epidemic, and share this message in your friend’s domain so that maximum people can have benefited from this opportunity.
On behalf of KawishÂ®ï¸ and patients as well as, spokesman also extend profound gratitude and rich tribute in the honor of Al-Shifa Trust management especially General Manager Lt.ColÂ®ï¸ Tariq Usman, for extending daylong eye camp in Ghazi Hamlet and assured round the clock cooperation in organizing likewise camp in Ghazi and far flung areas of district Haripur as well as.
Consultative meeting was actively attended by prominent social activists, volunteers, media representatives, HoDs of welfare organizations, political leaderships and civil society members respectively. – PR