Taliban’s diplomacy & Afghan Peace

A Taliban delegation led by the Taliban leader Shahabuddeen Delaware has visited Russia and met with the special representative of the Russian president for Afghanistan, director of the second department of Asia of the Foreign Ministry, Zamir Kabulov in Moscow on Thursday. According to reports, Zamir Kabulov held consultations with the delegation from the Political Office of the Taliban Movement. It was said that the situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the prospects for launching inter-Afghan negotiations were discussed during the meeting. The Taliban delegation reiterated its position that the Afghan land will not be used against anyone. The Russian side expressed concern over the escalation of tension in the northern regions of Afghanistan and called for preventing its spread outside the country. The Taliban delegation assured the Russian side regarding the non-violation of the borders of the Central Asian states by the group, as well as guaranteed the security of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign states on the territory of Afghanistan. According to the statement issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry, Taliban representatives confirmed their interest in achieving sustainable peace in the country through negotiations, taking into account the interests of all ethnic groups of the country, as well as their readiness to respect human rights, including women, within the framework of Islamic norms and Afghan traditions. Presently, Afghanistan has attracted the eyes and minds of the world as the United States and its NATO allies had pulled out most of the troops from war-torn Afghanistan, while the Taliban tends to be more aggressive both militarily and diplomatically against Afghan Republicans. According to reports, Taliban vowed to present their own peace road map to their rival during next month. Besides announcing its peace plan, the group is projecting its soft image at international level to garner international support in the backdrop of its intentions to grasp the whole of the country under its control. The International Community had been expressing its concerns regarding human and women rights in the post US Afghanistan due to Taliban’s hard stance on them, therefore Taliban informed the world that they would protect human and women rights in the country according to Islamic norms and Afghan traditions however, it is still questionable that which Islamic norms and tradition those of Taliban or Afghan Republicans because both are Muslims and Afghan but have different standards for each thing.
After Completing troops withdrawal, US interest in the country has reduced and only verbal calls for a decrease in the violence are being echoed by the Biden administration. In fact, Americans had lived up to their words with the Taliban and left the country well before the given timeline. According to experts, Afghanistan is gradually gliding toward anarchy and only responsible behavior of Afghan groups can save the country from a civil war.