Srebrenica massacre and Kashmir case

Kosovo’s parliament has adopted a resolution condemning the 1995 massacre of thousands of Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica by Bosnian Serb forces, which has been declared a genocide by a UN war crimes court. According to reports, the resolution was approved by 89 lawmakers out of 120 parliamentarians, no one voted against the resolution. According to reports, on July 11, 1995, more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslim were rounded up and killed by Bosnian Serb forces near the eastern town of Srebrenica, the worst mass killing in Europe since World War II. The United Nations War Crimes Court subsequently sentenced to life in prison to both the wartime Bosnian Serb army commander, Ratko Mladic, and former political leader Radovan Karadzic for the Muslims genocide in Srebrenica. According to independent media, Serb Military forces cordoned off the town of Srebrenica during early May 1995 with the ultimate objective of coinciding the territory with Yugoslavian state and seized the supply of food, medicines, and other necessities of life to the inhabitants of the town. After several weeks of resistance most of the fighters fled out of the town. Serbian Military started Operation Code name “Krivaja-95” on 06 Jun and ended up by the mid July while perishing the lives of more than 8000 Bosnian Muslims men and boys. Hundreds of Bosnian women were raped by the Bosnian Serb Forces; besides this genocide of Bosnian Muslims, the Serbian forces were also involved in ethnic cleansing of more than 20, 000 Bosnian Muslim. Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan accepted UN failure in protecting Srebrenica Muslims from mass murder by Serb Military in July 1995. Currently, a similar situation is going on in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) since August 05, 2019. The whole valley is cordoned off by the Indian forces, which is massively involved in extrajudicial killings of innocent Kashmiri Muslims. Despite continuous calls of Pakistan for UN intervention into the dire situation of human rights in Kashmir, UN failed to ask India about its unilateral occupational measures in the disputed territory. There is high time for UNO to play its due role in the Kashmir dispute, otherwise, the apology like Kofi Annan would have no significance after occurrence of a carnage in Kashmir.