Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan agree to boost exchanges

Tashkent: President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during a telephone conversation discussed further expansion of strategic partnership, Trend reports citing the press service of the pesident of Uzbekistan.
The Turkmen president congratulated the head of Uzbekistan on his birthday, expressing wishes for peace and prosperity to the brotherly people of Uzbekistan.
Also, the dynamic development of multifaceted cooperation between countries was noted with satisfaction, primarily in the trade and economic, transport and communication and cultural and humanitarian spheres.
In addition, an agreement was reached to hold the next meeting of the joint Intergovernmental Commission.
The presidents separately dwelt on the preparation of the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of the Central Asian Region, which will take place on August 6 this year in the national Avaza tourist zone. The parties exchanged views on the agenda and program of the upcoming event.
Also, the President of Turkmenistan congratulated the leader of Uzbekistan on the successful holding of the High-Level International Conference on Strengthening the Connectivity of Central and South Asia in Tashkent. It was emphasized that the fruitful results of this forum will serve as a good basis for promoting projects of practical interaction in a vast region. – Agencies