National Cyber Security Policy 2021 approved

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Federal Cabinet on Tuesday approved the National Cyber Security Policy 2021, Minister for Information Technology Ameen-ul-Haq announced here. The meeting chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan reviewed a 20-point agenda. Participants were also briefed on the right of overseas Pakistanis to vote electronically. Ameen-ul-Haq said that a cyber governance policy committee has been set up under the policy and the committee will work on policy implementation, oversight and strategy.
He said that the officials and experts of the Ministry of Information Technology deserved to be applauded for formulating the most important policy in a short span of time. He said the primary purpose of the policy is to ensure the protection of online data and information of citizens, public and private entities.
The minister further said that the public and private institutions will be bound by data, services, ICT products and systems cyber policy, adding that the cyber-attack on any Pakistani institution would be considered an attack on national integrity.
Haq said that in case of cyber-attack, all necessary steps and retaliation would be taken and the process of cybersecurity in public and private service networks will be integrated and strengthened. The minister said that under the policy, computer emergency response teams would be formed at national, sector and institutional levels and the team equipped with experts and all the required innovative tools will work to ensure cyber security.