CCTV cameras to be installed at all police stations

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops have decided to install more CCTV cameras at police stations so that transparency and smooth functioning in policing affairs can be ensured.
Following the directions of IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, the cameras would be installed at offices of SHOs, Muharrars and lock-ups while these would be directly monitored through control room set up at Safe City also having connectivity with Central Police Office and DIG Operations office. The recording of these cameras would be available which would help to address complaints against policemen on merit and to improve dealing of police with public.
This step would be helpful to end the complaints of torture in lock-ups while transparent monitoring to be ensured through it. The IGP Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman said that latest technology is being used for transparency in policing affairs and installation of cameras would assist to improve the culture at police station.