China sets to mediate over Afghanistan crisis

BEIJING: The Afghan government and the Taliban were trading blame over the issue of “seriousness” for peace talks at the extended troika meeting attended by diplomats from China, Russia, Pakistan and the US, which kicked off in Doha, Qatar. Analysts said intra-Afghan peace talks may face a long stalemate with no party willing to compromise, which needs the international community for better mediation.
A member of the Afghan government delegation at the Doha negotiations told Al Jazeera on Tuesday that having a mediator at the talks is necessary and the Taliban has no interest in negating but rather achieving its goals with violence. The delegation member also urged the international community to pressure the Taliban to show seriousness.
However, a spokesperson for the Taliban told the Qatar-based broadcaster that the Afghan government had “rejected the principle of a mediator.” The spokesperson said that the Taliban is committed to the negotiations and does not want it to fall apart. The “battle of words” took place before meetings on Afghan negotiations of the Troika Plus – China, Russia, Pakistan and the US and the Taliban-Afghan government delegates – were held in Doha, Qatar to achieve a political solution for a peaceful and prosperous Afghanistan.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item