Beijing lauds Pakistan’s probe achievement

DM Monitoring

BEIJING: China on Thursday appreciated the Pakistani government’s release of the progress in the investigation of the Dasu terrorist Attack. Responding to a question about yesterday’s development shared by Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said the Pakistani side’s investigation into the terrorist attack has seen major progress within a short period of time. China pays great attention to this and expresses appreciation to Pakistan’s active efforts.
The spokesperson said further investigation by Pakistan was still ongoing at the moment. China and Pakistan will follow the important consensus reached by the leaders on both sides, ascertain all the facts and truth, and hold the culprits accountable and bring them to justice. In the meanwhile, both countries will keep strengthening security cooperation mechanisms to ensure the safety of Chinese projects, people and institutions in Pakistan. He said terrorism is the common enemy of all mankind. China firmly opposes any force using terrorism to seek geopolitical gains and calls on countries in the region to collaborate in eradicating all terrorist organizations so as to uphold common security and development interests of all countries.
Earlier, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Thursday that bus attack last month that killed nine Chinese workers was a suicide bombing carried out by TTP backed by Indian and Afghan intelligence agencies. The minister said an investigation showed there was a “nexus of Indian RAW and Afghan NDS” in the attack, referring to India’s and Afghanistan’s intelligence agencies.
The blast hit a bus carrying the Chinese workers on their way to a dam construction site in northern Pakistan. Qureshi, addressing a news conference together with a top investigator, said Pakistan had data evidence to back the allegation that the intelligence agencies from the two neighbors were involved.