Bootlegging and India led UNSC

The UN principles are mandatory for application in the sphere of peaceful and responsible use of the maritime space, its natural resources, the protection of the marine environment, and the stable economic activity of the enormous aquatic part of our planet. This opinion was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a high-level UN Security Council virtual open debate on maritime security Chaired by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Putin emphasized that Moscow supports the unfailing observance of the key norms and principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter such as the respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and dispute resolution through dialogue. The Russian president noted that seas and oceans have always been connecting people and civilizations, unfortunately, there are many threats along sea routes. Therefore, it is important for the international community to consider substantive practical steps to the fight against the 21st-century piracy and other crimes at the seas. In fact, Putin unveiled his worry about the occurrence of these heinous crimes at the sea, however he did not look at the face of Modi, which was dubbed with countless blood stains of innocent Muslims of Gujrat, Kashmir, Hindu Dalits, and other minorities of India. Putin could not imagine that the high-level meeting was chaired by a professional bandit and murderer who assassinated innocent men and women and recently pirated the UNSC’s sanctity, rules, procedures and above all impartiality of this world body during recent briefing on Afghanistan only due to its enmity with Pakistan. Putin has adapted a very relevant and universal approach toward the threats of piracy, sea hostages, robberies, and drug trafficking through sea routes around the globe. However, Putin must know that currently the UN Security Council is in the grip of a monster, who can’t see ahead of its nose and is suffering blindness due to its unending grudges with neighbors. This monster had violated the sanctity of UNSC through its unjust and biased treatment of members of the UNO during the functioning of the most important arm of the United Nations Organization. Therefore, Putin and other world leaders are requested to be vigilant about the monster who has a flute in one hand and knife in other and after luring his prey in his flute’s tootle, he is habitual of using knife to knockdown his rival.