Pakistan’s bright future, way forward

President Dr. Arif Alvi said that Pakistani nation had always overcome challenges and ordeals with unmatched sacrifices, unity and determination, and Pakistan could emerge as one of the most successful nations in the world because of its intellectual capabilities. President was addressing a national flag hoisting ceremony held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr to mark Pakistan’s 75th Independence Day on Saturday. While recalling Pakistan freedom movement, President said that Pakistan was created after huge sacrifices and the untiring endeavours of the dynamic leadership of Pakistan Movement led by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. While shedding light on various challenging times of Pakistan’s history, Alvi said that Pakistan’s enemy imposed three wars on it and endangered Pakistan’s sovereignty while conducting Nuclear test in 1974, however Pakistan attained the nuclear status just in few years only due to its intellectual capabilities. He noted that Pakistani nation has proved its mettle during hard times including 2005 earthquake, floods of 2010 and combatting COVID-19 pandemic. According to President, currently Pakistan is striving to transform itself into a digital country with a thriving knowledge-based economy. President Alvi advised the nation not to listen to the negative elements or pay attention to fake news being disseminated by the enemies of the state. President noted that current government was pursuing the model of Riasat-e-Madina through provision of social justice, health and education facilities, accommodation, and elimination of poverty from the country. President Dr. Arif Alvi rightly observed that Pakistan had always made unprecedented and unimaginable successes in the history through national dedication, intellectual capabilities of the people and determination of its leadership. The emergence of Pakistan at the map of the world through a peaceful political movement just after seven years of passing of Pakistan resolution on March 23, 1940, itself is a wonder of the world. Although, the Muslims of Indo-Subcontinent was struggling for their political and religious rights under British rule in a bid to secure their separate identity, however they started struggle for a separate homeland after embracing the Pakistan Resolution in March 1940. Pakistan had been continuously facing numerous challenges since after its inception including economic crisis, security issues, arrival of refugees from India, water issue and many more. Pakistan successfully met all problems; however, the Pakistani nation surprised the world when a poor and undeveloped Country Pakistan got status of a nuclear power of the world.
This miracle was made possible only due to untiring efforts and dedication of the Pakistani Scientists, engineers, and other workers with unwavering support of Political and military leadership of the country. Today, with the blessing of all mighty Allah, Pakistan is an invincible Nuclear and Missile power of the world. Currently, our country is facing the issues of economic instability and internal disunion and there is a need of a national and wholesome approach to overcome these problems.