Gender Protection Unit resolves 521 complaints in 3 months

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad Police’s Gender Protection Unit, Helpline 8090, disposed of 521 complaints during the last three months and ensured immediate assistance to the aggrieved persons.
According to the details, these complaints were related to violence, harassment, mental violence, intimidation, use of obscene language and clashes. Of these complaints, 217 were received on phone calls and 304 were registered on desk. Cases have been registered on ten complaints while investigation is underway on 44 complaints.
With the timely help and guidance of the police, not only the confidence of women and children has been restored but also the incidents of harassment and violence have significantly reduced, IGP Islamabad Qazi Jameel-ur-Rehman said.

He said that the Gender Protection Unit is playing a vital role in helping the affected women and immediate assistance is being ensured to the aggrieved persons. He said the establishment of this unit has significantly reduced the harassment and violence against women and children. Women citizens have regained confidence in the police and they are freely seeking help from the police, the IGP maintained. Besides the specially trained female police personnel stationed at the desk, legal, psychological and medical personnel are also providing full guidance and assistance to the affected women and children. IGP said that Gender Protection Unit is responsible to ensure prompt response and no laxity will be tolerated.