Quad’s costly show of self-comfort

The Malabar naval exercise, participated by the US, India, Japan and Australia, kicked off on Thursday off the coast of Guam in Western Pacific. None of the four countries officially said who the target is, but it is clear their imaginary enemy is China. This is the first joint maritime exercise within the framework of Quad in the Western Pacific and apparently aims to overawe China. The US has instigated a strong atmosphere of the Cold War and the camp confrontation. It has oversimplified the current geopolitical competition. Every time Washington showcases its allied forces against China, it looks grand but is in fact grandiose, often off the point. They have shown the stubborn incompetence of the current US’ elites as well as the US’ institutional weakness as the country can only resort to the outdated and unsophisticated method when faced with modern complexities. The scenario and nature of the international competition in the 21st century has undergone great changes compared with that in the last century. Competition has become highly complicated. Competition between China and the US used to take place on economy and technology. The US feels uneasy and worried about its hegemony as China develops so rapidly that its economy could even surpass that of the US. China and India have border frictions, but India is clear that China has no intention to bring India to its knees. Japan is reluctant to admit China’s development and cannot adapt to the changes in comparison of the strength between the two countries. Australia had no frictions with China at all, but it lacks the sense of security due to its unique geographical location in South Pacific, and thus plays the role of a running dog of the US in exchange for protection. China has no will to get involved in a strategic rivalry with the four countries – why should China do it? Most probably the four countries have no bravery to head into a showdown with China, nor are they prepared to do so. They conduct joint military exercises not because they believe there will be an imminent marine conflict with China, but because they want to show off their “unity” and comfort themselves by displaying their strength to China. The old-fashioned bluff and bluster is like a show that doesn’t sell. They have to get an audience with complimentary tickets. The Chinese people won’t buy that. Their collusion cannot jeopardize the dynamic mechanism that drive China’s development, nor can it contain China in reality. In short, these countries cannot form a united force to block China’s continuous growth and development. China is adapting to the US’ showing off of such collusion. That the Indian Navy rushed to join the exercises with different countries is particularly ridiculous. China will only focus on doing its own things well, including accelerating its economic development, building its warships one after another, comprehensively upgrading its military strength and combat capability, as well as being ready to make anyone that intrudes China’s core interests pay.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item