Deworming Campaign Week to be marked from today

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training has launched third annual mass deworming campaign of the “School-based Deworming Programme in Islamabad Capital Territory” for a safe and healthy future of the children. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Capital Development Authority (CDA) Affairs, Ali Nawaz Awan had launched the third annual mass deworming campaign.
The school-based deworming program will target 574,000 school-age children within approximately 2000 public and private schools, as well as in ‘Madaris’ in ICT during the deworming week starting from August 30 till September 4, 2021. During the Deworming week, all children enrolled in schools, ‘Madaris’ and out-of-school children, aged 5 to 14 years would be administered mebendazole 500mg deworming medicine.
Ali Nawaz Awan has remarked that “Deworming is essential for a child’s physical and cognitive growth, and ensures resistance to other infections as well. It will significantly contribute towards the government’s top health priorities which are reducing malnutrition and anemia”.
Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Education and Professional Training, Wajiha Qamar appreciated the efforts of the implementation team and emphasized the importance of Deworming Programme in improving health of children and resultant improvement in their education.
Parliamentary Secretary for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Nausheen Hamid said that the school-based deworming program in Pakistan will not only improve the health of our children but will also benefit our society as a whole.
World Health Organisation Representative in Pakistan, Dr. Palitha Mahipala appreciated the efforts of the Government of Pakistan and IRD Pakistan. He shared that “over 1.5 billion people are globally infected with Soil-transmitted Helminths (STH).
Parents and guardians of the children have been urged to send their children aged 5 to 14 year to their nearest government or private schools or ‘Madaris’ for a free and safe deworming medicine, during the deworming week.