Report on CPC’s mission, contributions lauded overseas

BEIJING: Experts worldwide hailed a key publication shedding light on the Communist Party of China’s mission and contributions as “powerful” and “inspiring”, saying it has outlined the successes of the first century of the Party’s history and charted the route in the coming decades.
The report, titled “The CPC: Its Mission and Contributions”, was released by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee on Thursday, expounding on the Party’s mission and contributions. The document stressed that the CPC is a political party that seeks happiness for the people and progress for humanity, and “achieving national rejuvenation is the historic mission of the CPC”.
Carlos Martinez, co-editor of Friends of Socialist China and co-founder of the international No Cold War campaign, said the document is “a powerful and inspiring document, outlining the successes of the first century of the CPC’s history, and describing the Party’s goals and challenges in the coming decades”. “The document also outlines the CPC’s vision for the coming period, emphasizing its commitment to high-quality growth, to tackling inequality, to fighting climate change, building common prosperity, and working relentlessly on the global stage to promote peace, cooperation and development,” Martinez said. Ronnie Lins, director of the China-Brazil Center for Research and Business, said the document is a work of great importance and a must-read for all those who want to understand how the CPC has brought China back to being one of the most important countries in the world.
– The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item