Biden wants to save face

Two suicide attacks occurred on Thursday outside the Kabul airport, resulting in the deaths of 13 US service members and at least 90 Afghan people. This is the biggest single-day casualty of the US military in Afghanistan since 2011. The attacks took place at the crowded entrance and a nearby hotel, which shows that the US finds it difficult controlling the chaotic situation at the airport. The Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the terror attacks. This was also confirmed by the US. The Taliban strongly condemned the “gruesome incident” and said it “will take every step to bring the culprits to justice.” This explicit statement has received a lot of attention. When the bloody attacks took place on Thursday, it was five days before the US withdrawal deadline set by Biden. The US has predicted more attacks. This will obviously affect the US withdrawal, making it a risky and desperate mission. Biden is unlikely to stop withdrawing. If he is dragged back to Afghanistan due to the latest terror attacks, he is making a political dead end for himself. Therefore, he has no option but to continue with his withdrawal plan. But the terror attacks by the ISIS will only make the Biden administration’s withdrawal more miserable and infamous. The repeated incompetence of the Biden team is clear to all. Biden has vowed to retaliate. The US army is likely to bomb some targets suspected to be IS bases so as to comfort US opinion. But the US army has given up all spots except the Kabul airport. The intelligence network supported by the Ghani government has collapsed. Cooperation between the US and the Taliban has yet to begin. The precision of the retaliation of the US will be questioned. Its effect is expected to be much lower than previous strikes. The quasi-regime of ISIS once emerging in some parts of Syria and Iraq has been eradicated, but the extremism it represents is far from over. The group is scattered now and is looking for a chance to re-emerge in a certain chaotic region. Apparently, it is eyeing Afghanistan. ISIS needs chaos and space generated by confrontation between main forces. The US finds it hard to withdraw, and the fight between the Taliban and the US army could brew the condition for the spread of ISIS forces. Previously, the US army, Afghan government forces and the Taliban all fought ISIS, but didn’t manage to wipe it out. This is telling. That’s exactly where the complexity of Afghanistan lies. The mountains have become the graveyard of one empire after another. They also block the country from modern governance. Tribalism enables extremism to find a shelter and a new starting point. The Taliban has stated that it does not allow any force to use Afghanistan to target a third country. This is viewed as a declaration of a breakup with terrorism. But terrorism does not only exist in Afghanistan. Afghanistan’s role is special because it has to make more efforts to eradicate terrorism.
–The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item