Experts galvanized by Xi’s call for solidarity, common dev’t

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping called on all parties in Northeast Asia to join hands to overcome the challenges of COVID-19, foster mutual cooperation and safeguard regional peace and stability.
His proposals, made while addressing the opening ceremony of the plenary session of the sixth Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Beijing via video link, bear profound significance for galvanizing the region and the world at large to tide over a difficult time, plan for common development, and unite for win-win outcomes, said overseas pundits and scholars. Oleg Timofeyev, associate professor at the People’s Friendship University of Russia, said that Xi in his address underscored the importance of firmly rejecting any politicization of COVID-19 vaccines and origins-tracing, and striving to build a global community of health for all, which will have both global implications and a positive impact on the life of ordinary people.
Japanese economist Hidetoshi Tashiro said that Xi’s proposals laid out in his speech, including strengthening cooperation in vaccine research and development as well as production, supporting the innovative development of the digital economy, and jointly tackling global climate change and promoting economic and social development in the region, will play an important role in advancing regional peace and prosperity.
Wilson Lee Flores, a columnist for English-language daily The Philippine Star, said China has made coordinated efforts in its epidemic prevention and control and economic development, which are valuable lessons for other countries and have injected confidence and impetus into global economic recovery.
Bambang Suryono, chairman of Indonesia-based think tank Asia Innovation Study Center, said that China has provided vaccines to many countries, contributing to the global anti-pandemic fight and economic recovery, and demonstrating its responsibility as a major country. – Agencies