Pakistan Army taking part in peacekeeping exercises in China

BEIJING: A contingent of Pakistan armed forces is participating in the 10-day “Shared Destiny 2021” multinational peacekeeping live exercise started at a military training base in Central China’s Henan province.
Troops from four nation – China, Pakistan, Mongolia and Thailand took part in an opening ceremony at the People’s Liberation Army Ground Force’s Queshan Combined Tactical Training Base and then moved to multiple training ranges to conduct drills, according to the Chinese military’s headquarters at the exercise said in a statement.
The exercise is the first multinational peacekeeping exercise held by the Chinese military and is focused on joint operations by peacekeepers from several nations.
A response to the United Nations’ Action for Peacekeeping initiative, it is intended to foster practical cooperation among countries that contribute peacekeepers and improve the skills of standby peacekeeping units, the headquarters said.
In addition, the PLA wants to take advantage of the occasion to demonstrate and test the capability of its standby peacekeeping force, it said.
Commanding officers from the four countries have established a joint command and will use the UN’s standard peacekeeping procedures and engagement rules.
The troops will engage in field reconnaissance, patrols, armed escorts, the protection of civilians, suppression of terrorists, construction of temporary infrastructure, medical aid and the handling of infectious diseases.
The Chinese headquarters said the exercise will involve infantry soldiers, aviation squads, engineers and transport and medical personnel, and will use armored assault vehicles, helicopters and unmanned aircraft.
The PLA will provide all the hardware involved in the operation, it said. The exercise will conclude on September 15. –Agencies