Dispute Resolution Council holds maiden meeting

By U. Zee

Islamabad: The newly-formed Dispute Resolution Council (DRC) of Islamabad police held its first meeting at the Rescue-15 office here on Wednesday.
Council took up the complaints marked by the SSP Operations to DRC submitted by the aggrieved parties. The panel heard the point of the view of the opposing parties and disposed of the applications. One Chan Wez approached the Council against his cousin Nawab Khan stating that the latter took Rs 1,50,000 as token money for a plot which later turned out to be disputed property. He stated that Nawab Khan returned him only Rs 20,000 and denied the remaining amount. The Council heard both the parties in detail and disposed of the matter on the assurance by Nawab Khan for returning the remaining amount within three months. Both the parties were appreciative of the Council which has been constituted on the directions of IGP Qazi Jamil ur Rehman.

SSP Operations that the Council has been set up to resolve disputes of civil nature and domestic disputes. The council considers the applications by the aggrieved parties and helped lessen workload on the police. He said that citizens can submit their applications about any civil disputes to his office which would be resolved on priority.