Efforts for nuke disarmament

The Foreign Ministers of CSTO members nations had expressed their resolve that the member nations of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) are committed to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, while marking the 30th anniversary of the shutdown of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan. According to details, CSTO countries reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining peace and security and highlighted Kazakhstan’s contribution in strengthening nuclear non-proliferation and stability by abandoning nuclear weapons. The Semipalatinsk Nuclear test site was the world’s largest nuclear test site, which was shut down on August 29, 1991. According to reports, about 458 atmospheric and underground tests were conducted at the site during 1949 to 1989. The nuclear contamination affected more than one million people over 300,000 square meters area of Kazakhstan. UNO, US, Russia, and international Community helped Kazakhstan in mitigating negative radioactive effects over the last 3 decades. The determination of CSTO states for an international nuclear disarmament is very appreciable, especially when the battle for international and regional dominance by the global as well as regional powers is at the peak. The former Soviet Union was the sole owner of the world largest nuclear stockpile in the past. However, after the disintegration of Ex. Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons were owned by the Russian Federation whereas the nuclear test site was shut down by the Kazak government in 1991. In fact, nuclear disarmament is a universal cause, and all countries of the world must support the voice of peace lovers like CSTO states. “No to weapons of mass destruction” has been the slogan of civilized nations over the past decades. Nuclear weapons are the biggest source of intimidation by the big powers to their weak neighbors and CSTO states have much experience of this fact. Due to the threats of intimidation few states like Pakistan had acquired nuclear weapons to thwart the corrosive treatment of their belligerent neighbors. It would be more impressive if CSTO states urge the world to resolve the longstanding disputes like Kashmir and Palestine to remove the bone of contention and flash point of future nuclear conflict. When the hostilities among the nations would be resolved, the states would automatically abandon the ownership of weapons of mass destruction.